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YEW! Hockey Stick Wax

YEW! Hockey Stick Wax comes in two different formulas to ensure top-level tackiness for the ice and roller hockey situations. If you want to deke and dangle as if the puck was on a string, YEW! Hockey Stick Wax is just what you need.
YEW! Ice Hockey
Stick Wax
Made in the U.S.A

The YEW! Ice Hockey Stick Wax will be having you do the 'Michigan' or 'Zorro' with incredible ease thanks to its magical tackiness. The YEW! Ice Wax does a better job of keeping snow off your blade but can still be used for roller hockey and it even comes in a refreshing peppermint scent!

YEW! Roller Hockey
Stick Wax
Made in the U.S.A

The YEW! Roller Hockey Stick Wax will be having you do the 'Michigan' or 'Zorro' with incredible ease thanks to its magical tackiness. The YEW! Roller Wax uses a different formula that provides a softer and thicker wax for more tackiness in warmer conditions like the street or indoor roller hockey arenas but can still be used for ice hockey.

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